jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Any colour you like

During this year, and during my study of this carrer, i began to wonder a lot of different things. I began to swim into different waters; traveling into different places and different times. A lot of differents doubts came to me after every class or after finishing a text. 
In order of this, I figured out that the society, the social theory and all the things related to that, are very complex to understand. There are a lot of things that we can learn in a carrer like this. The sociology is a very ambiguous subject into the humanities. We can find the society in thousands of different subjects. Thats a great thing of this carrer, but in some way cause some fear.

However, one of the things that would like to learn by now is more philosofy. I know that it could sound a little bit weird, but i think that is very useful to guide every future knowledge, especially in a carrer like sociology. In this way, I cant't wait having that subject next semester.

Another thing that I wolud like to learn it's about literature. It's for me something very interesant, even though I dont't know the generalities of this subject as a theory.

For the last, I would like to keep learning different things on the guitar, like techniques or scales, so I can improve on my playing.  Unfortunately, time is limited, so I can't do all I want to do. 


Hi everyone! Today i'm going to talk about the capital city of Chile: Santiago. 

Im going to start saying that no one chooses were (and when) to born. I think that, if i had the chance to choose the city where i was going to born, i I would not have chosen Santiago. However, Santiago it's my native city. I've always lived here, and I think that I will live here for -at least- the more years. 

Santiago is a huge city. It never stops growing. I imagine that in 50 years, Santiago will reach Viña del Mar if the urban growing rate keeps in this way. However, and for this reason, I cant't say that I know every place of Santiago. I only know really good some neigbourhoods. 

I've always lived in the same place: a house in Ñuñoa, near this university. My school was really close too, so I didn't have to spent a lot of time traveling through the city. For that reason, I chosed the bicycle as my conveyance. I really like Ñuñoa neigbourhood, it is my favourite place of the city, basically for the reason that I know their streets and squares like the back of my hand. I really like to travel with my bicycle through these streets.  

However, Santiago offers a lot of different landscapes, it is a very varied city as for the type of constructions and  soacial realities that you can see. In general, I think that Santiago is a city that reflect all the problems of our social sistem. Begening with the pollution of the air, the segregation, the inequeality and the overpopulation. All these, added to the disastrous public transport sistem, makes Santiago a city where the quality of life is very poor. The things that I would change are the Transantiago and all those giant building towers. 

I recomend to any person who wants to visit Santiago, the city centre, because it have a lot of interesting sights to visit, and a lot of historical meaning that -or me- it's fascinating.

Being there on the society.

During my life, I always wondered to solve the doubts that came to my mind. I spent a lot of time thinking about different themes like the time and the space during my adolescence and part of my childhood. In this part of my life, I didn't care so much of what I wanted to study on university. However, I always tend toward to the humanistic area: my favourite subjects were history and language. The first time I linstened the word Sociology was during a conversation with my brother. This word attracted my attention very much. The "study of the society" as a carreer sounded really good, but at the same way a very abstract. I decided to study this carreer the last year. I think that this decision was influed principally on the philosofy classes that I had during 2015. In those classes, my doubts began to grow, and in that way, the incentives to resolve them too. I enter to this carrer basically for that reason: to solve the doubts that I had of the society.

Now, on my third month studying this carrer, I realised that there exisist some doubts that are impossible to resolve.

I think that a sociologist have the difficult mission of construe a determinated society or social procees and, in the same way, help to improve them on a constructive way. For this reason, I consider that the social research and the active participation on diferent public policies are a fundamental things on the work of a sociologist.

By now, my favourite subject is Antropology. I like the topics that are inclued on the clases: it's -for me- like the elemental explication of phenomenons like the economy and the politics. It's very interesting to know this thing before I begin to studying them on the actual society.