lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Hi everyone!

Last night, I was walking to my house when a homeless dog began to follow me. When I saw It, I stopped, and turn back to pet his head. It was a very cute dog. I restart my way home, thinking that I had loosed him, but that didn’t happened. I arrived home and there was the dog, staring me with his sadness, trying to convince me to adopt him, or simply to give him the opportunity to sleep under a roof, in a warm place. I opened the door but I didn’t let him enter. I felt very sad because I’m not allowed to have any dogs in my house. Then i started thinking about all the homeless dogs in Santiago and in the World. Then, I asked to myself: Why does exists homeless dogs? Who are the people that allow that thing like happens?

This puts me up in arms.

It makes me angry that the people who have pets don’t take care of them, up to point that they take the horrible decision to leave them on the streets, without any care, without thinking of the suffering that causes the starving and the cold of the streets during the winter.

I never had a pet in my life, but i can’t imagine me doing something like this to any animal. If I am the owner of a pet, I have the must of giving him a decent life. If I do not want to keep the pet with me, I must be sure that It will have a new home to be.

A bio exorcist in the never world

Hi everyone!

Today I will speak about a film that I watched last Monday. This film it's called "Beetlejuice", made it in 1988 and directed by Tim Burton.
I saw this movie with my girlfriend in her house because a lot of people recommended us to saw it.
The main character is Beetlejuice, as the title of the movie, which is very well performed by the actor Michael Keaton. Other actors that star in this film are Winona Ryder, Geena Davis, Catherine O’hara, etc.
This movie is a mixture of a different genres: comedy, horror, fantasy, and specially of ghosts.
In short, the story of this movie is about a newly married couple who die in a car accident, and reappeared in their home like ghosts. But the biggest problem is that a living family buys the house and this bothers the couple, who have no other solution than called a bio-exorcist to get people out of the house.
I enjoyed this film because the plot was very interesting and funny. The special effects that Tim Burton uses, called stop motion, makes a different and non common movie. The acting, specially of Michael Keaton, was magnificent because he gave life a very peculiar character.
The makeup used was very cool, but it was crazy and showy enough for the story.
I really recommend this movie to be watched. Tim Burton’s movies are known for being frightening and strange, which some people don’t like, but all his movies are creative, and this one, Beetlejuice, it really called my attention.

Modern clix

Hi everyone!

Today I will speak about music, specifically about a band or a singer. In this way, the first band/singer that came out of my mind in this moment is Charly García.

During the strike I discovered this fabulous Argentinean artist that started his music career on the late sixties. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1951, and since he was very small, he showed his musical skills. He started playing classical music on the piano, but when he listened to The Beatles for the first time, his perception of the music changed completely. He left behind the classical music for the rock and roll, basically influenced for the Liverpool band and all the new groups that came into the musical scene, such as Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, and so on.

During his career as musician, he played in different groups, such as Sui Generis and Serú Girán. He also had a very successful soloist career, recording albums that became some of the best masterpieces of the Latin American rock.

One of the things that I like about Charly is the passion with which sings his songs. He also is a very complete artist: he sings, plays the piano and the guitar very well, besides to be a wonderful composer.

My favourite song of Charly it’s called “Promesas sobre el bidet”. I like this song because is the reflection of the qualities that I said before. It’s a very passionate interpretation, that makes me got goose bumps until today.

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Any colour you like

During this year, and during my study of this carrer, i began to wonder a lot of different things. I began to swim into different waters; traveling into different places and different times. A lot of differents doubts came to me after every class or after finishing a text. 
In order of this, I figured out that the society, the social theory and all the things related to that, are very complex to understand. There are a lot of things that we can learn in a carrer like this. The sociology is a very ambiguous subject into the humanities. We can find the society in thousands of different subjects. Thats a great thing of this carrer, but in some way cause some fear.

However, one of the things that would like to learn by now is more philosofy. I know that it could sound a little bit weird, but i think that is very useful to guide every future knowledge, especially in a carrer like sociology. In this way, I cant't wait having that subject next semester.

Another thing that I wolud like to learn it's about literature. It's for me something very interesant, even though I dont't know the generalities of this subject as a theory.

For the last, I would like to keep learning different things on the guitar, like techniques or scales, so I can improve on my playing.  Unfortunately, time is limited, so I can't do all I want to do. 


Hi everyone! Today i'm going to talk about the capital city of Chile: Santiago. 

Im going to start saying that no one chooses were (and when) to born. I think that, if i had the chance to choose the city where i was going to born, i I would not have chosen Santiago. However, Santiago it's my native city. I've always lived here, and I think that I will live here for -at least- the more years. 

Santiago is a huge city. It never stops growing. I imagine that in 50 years, Santiago will reach Viña del Mar if the urban growing rate keeps in this way. However, and for this reason, I cant't say that I know every place of Santiago. I only know really good some neigbourhoods. 

I've always lived in the same place: a house in Ñuñoa, near this university. My school was really close too, so I didn't have to spent a lot of time traveling through the city. For that reason, I chosed the bicycle as my conveyance. I really like Ñuñoa neigbourhood, it is my favourite place of the city, basically for the reason that I know their streets and squares like the back of my hand. I really like to travel with my bicycle through these streets.  

However, Santiago offers a lot of different landscapes, it is a very varied city as for the type of constructions and  soacial realities that you can see. In general, I think that Santiago is a city that reflect all the problems of our social sistem. Begening with the pollution of the air, the segregation, the inequeality and the overpopulation. All these, added to the disastrous public transport sistem, makes Santiago a city where the quality of life is very poor. The things that I would change are the Transantiago and all those giant building towers. 

I recomend to any person who wants to visit Santiago, the city centre, because it have a lot of interesting sights to visit, and a lot of historical meaning that -or me- it's fascinating.

Being there on the society.

During my life, I always wondered to solve the doubts that came to my mind. I spent a lot of time thinking about different themes like the time and the space during my adolescence and part of my childhood. In this part of my life, I didn't care so much of what I wanted to study on university. However, I always tend toward to the humanistic area: my favourite subjects were history and language. The first time I linstened the word Sociology was during a conversation with my brother. This word attracted my attention very much. The "study of the society" as a carreer sounded really good, but at the same way a very abstract. I decided to study this carreer the last year. I think that this decision was influed principally on the philosofy classes that I had during 2015. In those classes, my doubts began to grow, and in that way, the incentives to resolve them too. I enter to this carrer basically for that reason: to solve the doubts that I had of the society.

Now, on my third month studying this carrer, I realised that there exisist some doubts that are impossible to resolve.

I think that a sociologist have the difficult mission of construe a determinated society or social procees and, in the same way, help to improve them on a constructive way. For this reason, I consider that the social research and the active participation on diferent public policies are a fundamental things on the work of a sociologist.

By now, my favourite subject is Antropology. I like the topics that are inclued on the clases: it's -for me- like the elemental explication of phenomenons like the economy and the politics. It's very interesting to know this thing before I begin to studying them on the actual society.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


Hi again. Today I'm going to share with you a little reflection about strikes.
First of all, I have never taken part of a strike during my whole life. This is basically for the reason that my school wasn't involucrate on the political contingency during the last five years. 
Now, in 2016, the student movement keep fighting for achieve the things that where proposed at the beginning of the mobilizations. In this sense, I think that the student movement has to go on, but I have strong doubts of which will be the mechanism of protest.
Well known is the case of the strike that took place on the Universidad de Chile last year. I had the opportunity to listen the version of different persons who lived this process. In general, they’re impressions vary a lot. There are the ones who defend the strikes, arguing that it was an effective way of pressing the authorities to do something. In the other hand, I found the ones who suggest that the strikes were just a waste of time. They say that in the end, this mechanism of protest loses their meaning.

I think that every mobilization have to design a clear plan of action, and in that way, include the biggest amount of participants. The discussions must be for everyone. In spite of this, I think that the strikes attempts with some students that want to contribute in other ways. In my case, to have a strong opinion of what is happening nowadays with the Chilean education, I need the classes to go deep into the discussions. But talking in general, I thing that a strike can help only if there is a very clear plan behind it. The student movement needs concrete achievements. In the last years there was more failures than real progress in this subjects.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

English and kwnoledge

Hi everyone, today I will write a little reflection about the importance of the English language in our present context.
I think that English is nowadays considered as a universal language. This condition means that in the practice, a big percentage of the scientific publications are written on this language. This is a reflection of the globalization process of the last decades. The English language became a tool for every person who knows how to speak it, in the way that allows the communication and comprehension between persons of very different countries and cultural realities.
English works in the same way on the sphere of the knowledge. For students as us, from Latin America and in general for any Spanish-speaker, knowing English allows them to comprehend a big amount of works into the different spheres of the scientific investigation and the a lot theories developed at the most important universities of the world.

The most of these universities are located on the United States and in Europe, so it's very important to improve the understanding of this language, looking forward to improve –as well– the knowledge in every university of the world.  It’s like a democratization of the knowledge.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Presentation Experience

The today's presentation was great. I felt good, even though I didn't prepare too much the presentation. Contrary to the presentations on the school, I felt more comfortable, I think because it was a theme related to the social sciences, something that I like very much. 
In general, all the presentations were very good and very interesting. I learned a little bit of another careers into the social sciences, some social theories and finally, the life and thinking of different authors related to the social theories. 
I hope we repeat these kind of presentations, because I think speaking is the best way to learn this language.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Eating Chinese food was a tradition in my family. I remember that during my childhood, we visited every Sunday a Chinese restaurant called "Tung Hoi", located in Grecia with Salvador. Nowadays, this restaurant is not Chinese any more, now it is instead, a Peruvian food restaurant.
 In spite of that, that restaurant will always be on my memory.
I remember that my favourite dishes were the fried shrimp and spring onion pastries and the Mongolian meat. These pastries were served with a sweet and sour tamarind sauce, which combined perfectly with the shrimp and the spring onion inside them. On the other hand, the Mongolian meat was the perfect combination of the sweetness of the spring onions, the flavour of the meat, the salty taste of the soy sauce and finally, the brilliant spicy touch of the green pepper. All these were accompanied with "chaufan" rice, giving as a result a gorgeous and complete meal.
For the dessert, we always bought popsicles in a little market next to the restaurant. For me, it was the perfect way to finish the lunch.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

I took this photo in Quintay during the last summer holidays. It was my last day on the beach. That day I travelled with my family from Algarrobo to the north. We stopped on Quintay to have lunch. Before the lunch, we visited an old whaling industry that now it is a museum. On that place i took the photo.
I love this photo because shows how was that day: the sky was so clear and the the colour of the sea seemed to be blue as a sapphire. The photo shows some mountains, and houses that were buitl on there. Now, when I see this picture, I imagine the sound of the waves crushing on the rock and the wind blowing my hair. I wonder go back to that place in other time of my life.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

My favorite piece of technology is my electric guitar. I think is one of those things that allow me to connect -in a strange way- with myself. 
I got my guitar last year, in June. It was a gift from my mom and -until today- I'm really grateful with her for that. I love electric guitars because, in contrast to acoustic ones, you can get many different sounds, depending on the volume you play, the tones that you can choose and the effects that you can put to improve the sound.

I play every moment I can, I thing like an hour per day. However, sometimes I wish I could play more than that. 

One of the things that I like the most of my guitar is the shape, the colors and the way how it sounds. It has the classic telecaster guitars shape, the color of the body is sunburst with a little white cover and the sound... well, it`s very hard to describe how is the sound of a guitar, but i really love it. Other of the things that i love form my guitar, is the reason that I have the opportunity to play anything i want to. I really love to learn new songs and play with other friends. 

I think that my life without a guitar would be very boring and, in some way, vacuum. I hope that day never comes.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

    Hi, I'm Cristobal Célèry and this is my blog. First of all, i can say that my last name means "apio" in spanish. It's a courious thing, but it's also funny.
     I'm eighteen years old. I began studying sociology this year, and thats the reason why I have started writting here. In general, I define myself as a curious person. I really like playing football, even though I'm not a brilliant player. The same thing happens me with the guitar, but I really enjoy doing those things.