Hi everyone! Today i'm going to talk about the capital city of Chile: Santiago.
Im going to start saying that no one chooses were (and when) to born. I think that, if i had the chance to choose the city where i was going to born, i I would not have chosen Santiago. However, Santiago it's my native city. I've always lived here, and I think that I will live here for -at least- the more years.
Santiago is a huge city. It never stops growing. I imagine that in 50 years, Santiago will reach Viña del Mar if the urban growing rate keeps in this way. However, and for this reason, I cant't say that I know every place of Santiago. I only know really good some neigbourhoods.
I've always lived in the same place: a house in Ñuñoa, near this university. My school was really close too, so I didn't have to spent a lot of time traveling through the city. For that reason, I chosed the bicycle as my conveyance. I really like Ñuñoa neigbourhood, it is my favourite place of the city, basically for the reason that I know their streets and squares like the back of my hand. I really like to travel with my bicycle through these streets.
However, Santiago offers a lot of different landscapes, it is a very varied city as for the type of constructions and soacial realities that you can see. In general, I think that Santiago is a city that reflect all the problems of our social sistem. Begening with the pollution of the air, the segregation, the inequeality and the overpopulation. All these, added to the disastrous public transport sistem, makes Santiago a city where the quality of life is very poor. The things that I would change are the Transantiago and all those giant building towers.
I recomend to any person who wants to visit Santiago, the city centre, because it have a lot of interesting sights to visit, and a lot of historical meaning that -or me- it's fascinating.
Ñuñoa is a beautifull and calm place. My school also was there. Do you know San Agustin school? Do you know "Las lanzas" bar?